French Bulldog German Shepherd Mix | Frenchie Shepherds

There are hundreds and thousands of mixed-breed varieties of dogs in the world with unique qualities and beautiful looks. Dog owners like to keep these fantastic mixed-breed dogs in their homes as their favorite pets. French Bulldog German Shepherd mix is one of the best hybrid dogs with a pretty look and supper characteristics.

French Bulldog German Shepherd Mix
French Bulldog German Shepherd Mix

There are many high-quality mixed-breed dogs with amazing characteristics and temperaments like Affenpoo, Puggle, Cavachon and Pomsky dog breeds.

What is the French Bulldog German Shepherd Mix? Full Guide

The French Bulldog german shepherd mix is a hybrid dog breed produced as a result of cross-breeding between French Bulldog and German Shepherd breeds. This dog breed is also called Frenchie Shepherd as its name is taken from both of the world’s favorite dog breeds.

The parent breeds like French Bulldogs are noble and loveable dogs and another breed German Shepherds are the most intelligent and brave dogs in the world. In this article, we will explore the characteristics, temperament, care requirements, and many other essential aspects of the Frenchie Shepherd, providing valuable insights for helping potential dog owners.

Families, couples, and individuals seeking a playful companion will find the Frenchie Shepherd a perfect fit whether they live in a rural setting or in the city.

Where Did the French Bulldog German Shepherd Mix Come From?

The adorable French Bulldogs and intelligent German Shepherds dogs are both European dog breeds with different historical backgrounds and traits. These two dog breeds are very lovely and favorite among many dog owners over the years.

Many years ago breeders decided to mate these two amazing dog breeds to produce a resulting dog breed that has qualities and characteristics of French Bulldogs and German Shepherd dog breeds in a single trait named French Bulldog German Shepherd mix or Frenchie Shepherd.

These French Bulldogs and German Shepherds are very popular dog breeds that came from Europe and originated in the late 19th century.

The French Bulldog is a smaller dog breed that is beautiful, playful and loyal to its owners. This dog breed was produced by the mating of Toy Bulldogs with Rat Terrier dogs. While German Shepherd dogs were bred in Germany many years ago in the past because of many reasons.

When French Bulldogs mate with German Shepherds then the resulting dog breed was named French Bulldog German Shepherd mix or Frenchie Shepherd. This dog breed has the qualities of both popular dog breeds and is the best choice for many dog owners.

1. History of French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs, with their distinctive bat-like ears and charming personalities, have captured the hearts of people worldwide. These dogs are adorable and compact canines that are well known for their friendly nature, which makes them a popular choice as pets.

 French Bulldogs
French Bulldogs

Early Ancestry

The history of these adorable French Bulldogs goes back to ancient times when small bulldog-type dogs existed in different parts of the world. The roots of French Bulldogs can be linked to ancient Greek Molossian dogs, which were termed English Bulldogs later on.

Arrival in France

During the 19th century, laceworkers / fabrics-making workers migrated from England to France and brought English Bulldogs with them to France. These lace workers settled in Normandy, bringing their beloved English Bulldogs along with them. Over time, the English Bulldogs interbred with local dogs, resulting in the production of the French Bulldog as we know them today.

2. History of German Shepherds

German Shepherds are among the most beloved dog breeds worldwide because of their intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. They have unique working abilities and striking appearance, therefore German Shepherds are used as military dogs, police dogs, rescue dogs and service dogs.

Origins of German Shepherds

The history of German Shepherds can be traced back to the late 19th century in Germany. This breed was developed through the efforts of a skilled dog breeder and cavalry officer named Max von Stephanitz. He aimed to produce a herding dog with exceptional intelligence, strength, and endurance.

In 1899, Max von Stephanitz came across a dog named Hektor Linksrhein, which he believed possessed all the qualities he was looking for in a herding dog. The Hektor dog became the foundation for the German Shepherd breed and was later renamed Horand von Grafrath.

Development as a Breed

Max Von Stephanitz was very interested in this breed, founded the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (Society for the German Shepherd Dog) and also established the breed standards for the German Shepherds. He promoted the breed’s use in various working roles, emphasizing their intelligence, loyalty and trainability.

German Shepherds
German Shepherds

During the early 20th century, German Shepherds gained popularity not only in Germany but also in other countries. They showcased their best qualities and versatility by excelling in herding, police work and protection-like tasks.

Nicknames For The French Bulldog German Shepherd Mix

There are some nicknames for this dog breed according to people’s language and speaking trends in different areas of the world. Some people call it French Bulldog German Shepherd mix and some people call it Frenchie Shepherd.

Nicknames Include

  • Frenchie Shepherd
  • German Frenchie

What Does A Frenchie Shepherd Look Like?

When cross-breeding occurs between two dog breeds then it becomes difficult to judge whether the resulting product dog will look the same as the first dog breed or the second breed. It means that when French Bulldogs mate with German Shepherd dog breeds then French Bulldog German Shepherd mix or Frenchie Shepherd will have a similar look of which breed?

1. A Blend of Traits

The Frenchie Shepherd inherits distinctive traits from both parent breeds. It inherits charming looks from French Bulldogs and intelligence from German Shepherds, this crossbreed embodies the best of both worlds. They are known for their expressive eyes, adorable floppy ears, and sturdy build that makes them genuinely captivating or charming.

2. It’s bigger than the French Bulldogs but smaller than the German Shepherd

The Frenchie Shepherd dogs have an intermediate size between French Bulldogs and German Shepherds size. Normally, they have larger sizes than the French Bulldogs which are 11 to 13 inches in size. But they are smaller in size than German Shepherd dogs which are 22 to 26 inches in size.

3. How big is the Frenchie Shepherd?

The approximate size of a Frenchie Shepherd dog is between 12 inches to 18 inches tall. This is the size between French Bulldogs and German Shepherds.

4. Weight of Frenchie Shepherds

The average weight of Frenchie Shepherds is 30 pounds to 50 pounds. Sometimes, this weight may be some pounds more or less than that, but this is the average normal weight of these adorable dogs.

5. Frenchie Shepherd Build or Body Shape

Frenchie Shepherd is a mixed-breed dog produced as a result of cross-breeding between French Bulldogs and German Shepherds. Therefore, they have combined traits of both breeds creating a unique and wonderful companion.

The Frenchie Shepherds have a beautiful and active body shape. They may have the stout/fleshy and muscular body of a French Bulldog, coupled with the more elongated and robust build of a German Shepherd. Overall they have a compact and healthy body shape.

These dogs have larger ears. Their ears are sometimes upright same as the German Shepherd and sometimes they have distinctive butterfly-shaped ears same as French Bulldogs have.

6. Coat Appearance and Color

The Frenchie Shepherds may have coats of various lengths and textures, depending on the dominant genes. They might have a short and dense coat like the French Bulldogs or a longer, thicker coat like the German Shepherd dogs.

The most common coat colors of these dogs include black, tan, fawn, brindle, and various combinations of these.

7. Fur Size and Type

As we know the Frenchie Shepherd is a mixed breed between French Bulldogs and German Shepherds, the fur/coat type and characteristics may be different from one Frenchie Shepherd to another.

Short Fur/Coat:

If the Frenchie Shepherd inherits more genes from French Bulldogs, it may have a short and smooth coat, similar to the fur of a French Bulldog. This type of coat/fur is relatively easy to maintain and requires minimal grooming.

Medium Fur/Coat:

Sometimes, Frenchie Shepherds may combine attributes of both parent’s breeds and have a medium-length coat or fur. This type of fur may be thicker and denser as compared to a short coat, but not as long as a typical German Shepherd’s coat.

Long Fur/Coat:

If the Frenchie Shepherd inherits more genes from the German Shepherd, then it has longer and thicker fur or coat. This type of fur may require more grooming and regular brushing to prevent matting and keep it looking neat.

8. Frenchie Shepherd Tail

The Frenchie Shepherds have shorter tails than German Shepherds. But it is still larger than French Bulldogs that have smaller and curled tails. The tail of Frenchie Shepherds is about half of the length of a German Shepherd but still may vary depending on the genetic factors of both breeds.

Temperament and Personality

The French Bulldog German Shepherd mix or Frenchie Shepherd is known for its friendly and affectionate nature. They develop a strong bond with their owners and make excellent family pets.

Frenchie Shepherds
Frenchie Shepherds

These dogs are known to be loyal and protective and are often eager to please their human companions. However, early socialization and training are essential to ensure they grow up to be well-rounded and obedient dogs.

Exercise Needs

Despite their smaller size compared to purebred German Shepherds, Frenchie Shepherds are active dogs and require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy.

Daily walks, playtime, and interactive activities are necessary to fulfill their physical and mental stimulation needs.

Grooming Requirements

The Frenchie Shepherd’s coat may vary in color and size, but it typically requires moderate grooming. Regular brushing helps keep their fur or coat clean and minimizes shedding.

Additionally, attention should be given to their ears, teeth, and nails to maintain overall hygiene. You should clean their teeth with a brush, and clean their ears and nails so that stuck food particles and dust should be removed and your dog may be safe from diseases and enjoy a healthy life.

Health Considerations

As with any dog breed, the Frenchie Shepherd may be prone to certain health issues inherited from its parent breeds. Common health concerns include hip dysplasia, brachycephalic respiratory syndrome (due to the French Bulldog’s flat face), and certain skin conditions.

Hip dysplasia is a common orthopedic disease of hip joints commonly occurring in large and giant dog breeds. Although it may also occur in smaller dog breeds. This disease can be caused due to genetics and also sometimes due to diet, exercise and environmental factors.

The brachycephalic respiratory syndrome is mostly caused by genetics. Frenchie Shepherds are born from two breeds as French Bulldogs and German Shepherds, and French Bulldogs have flat faces.

French Bulldog German Shepherd mix or Frenchie Shepherds inherit flat faces that cause malformations in their upper airways and cause breathing issues. It is also common in French Bulldogs, Pugs, Shih Tzus, and Boston Terriers.

Regular veterinarian check-ups, regular grooming and exercises, and a well-balanced diet can help reduce these potential health problems.

Training Tips

Training a Frenchie Shepherd can be an enjoyable experience, thanks to their high intelligence and eagerness to learn. They are very human loving and loyal to their owners and make a happy and enjoyable pet for a family.

Use the following guidelines while training your dog;

Early Start Training:

It is recommended to begin training your Frenchie Shepherd as early as possible, normally when you bring it to your home. This early training is very effective and your dog will easily adopt the behavior and training lesson which you will train and teach him.

Use Positive Reinforcement:

Remember, always use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praises because these techniques work exceptionally well with these dogs. This is the most effective and humane way to train and teach your dog in a positive way.

Be Patient and Consistent:

It takes time and patience to train your dog. Be patient and consistent in your commands and expectations while training your furry friend. We highly recommend that never get frustrated during the training.

Focus on Basic Commands:

When you start training your Frenchie Shepherd then must start with the basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down.” These are the basic level commands and these commands provide a foundation for more advanced training in later stages.

Socialize Your Frenchie Shepherd:

At the beginning stages of training expose your Frenchie Shepherds to different people, places, and other animals to help them become well-socialized and comfortable in various situations. This early socialization will prevent fear and aggression issues in your dogs as they grow older.

Consistency, patience, and gentle guidance are the keys to successful training.

Living with Kids and Other Pets

Frenchie Shepherds are human loving and generally good with children at home and can make excellent playmates due to their affectionate and gentle nature.

They can also get along well with other pets at home if introduced to them at an early age.

French Bulldog German Shepherd Mix  Frenchie Shepherds

However, supervision is always recommended during kids’ interactions with the dogs.

Frenchie Shepherd as Guard Dogs

While the Frenchie Shepherd is not as large as a purebred German Shepherd, they can still make effective watchdogs due to their protective instincts.

Their alert nature and loyalty to their families make them great at alerting owners to potential intruders. Therefore they are used as guard dogs and protect the owner’s house from robbery.

Suitability for Apartment Living

Due to their moderate size and adaptable nature, Frenchie Shepherds can thrive in apartment living if provided with sufficient exercise and mental stimulation.

However, access to outdoor spaces is very important for their well-being and happy life.

Diet for Frenchie Shepherd

Feeding a Frenchie Shepherd a well-balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

You should feed your dog high-quality animal proteins like eggs, meat, poultry and fish. Also, feed fats which are the main source of energy calories and omega fatty acids are best for skin and coat support.

We recommend consulting with a veterinarian doctor to determine the appropriate diet based on their age, activity level, and specific health needs.

Common Myths Debunked / Disproved

There are several misconceptions surrounding Frenchie Shepherds, such as their aggression or being hypoallergenic. We will debunk or disprove these myths and provide accurate information about this lovable crossbreed.

Myth 1: Frenchie Shepherds are hypoallergenic.

Fact: Frenchie Shepherds are produced by cross-breeding between French Bulldogs and German Shepherds. Both these two parent dog breeds may produce allergens, such as dander and saliva that can cause allergies in some dogs. But it is not true that Frenchie Shepherds are hypoallergenic dogs.

Myth 2: All Frenchie Shepherds have the same appearance and temperament.

Fact: Frenchie Shepherds are mixed breed and their physical appearance and temperament can vary widely that is dependent on the genetic contribution of each parent dog breed. Some individuals look more likely to French Bulldogs and some look more likely to the German Shepherds.

Also, all other characteristics vary depending upon the genetic contribution. So, all Frenchie Shepherds don’t have the same appearance and temperament.

Myth 3: Frenchie Shepherds are low-energy dogs.

Fact: French Bulldogs are more laid-back and relaxed dogs, while German Shepherds are known for their high energy and need for regular exercise. As Frenchie Shepherds are a mixed breed of both these dogs, so their energy level may vary.

Therefore, they are not low-energy dogs, instead, they have intermediate energy levels that may vary. Also, provide them with regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them healthy and fit.

Myth 4: Frenchie Shepherds are aggressive.

Fact: Aggression is not a specific trait that is present in the Frenchie Shepherd breed. Aggression is caused in any breed of dog that is not properly trained and socialized.

Therefore, Frenchie Shepherds are not aggressive dogs by the breed.

Preparing Your Home for a Frenchie Shepherd

Before bringing a Frenchie Shepherd or French Bulldog German Shepherd mix into your home, certain preparations are necessary to ensure their safety and comfort.

These are essential steps to follow.

  • Puppy-proofing the house
  • Providing cozy resting spaces
  • Acquiring essential dog supplies

Finding a Reputable Breeder

When considering adding a Frenchie Shepherd to your family, it’s vital to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs.

You can find the best dog breeder by following ways;

  • Researching best breeders by your veterinarian.
  • You may like your friend’s dog, and then you may ask him that from where he got the dog.
  • Most reliable breeders may provide healthy pups to some families and earn fame, you can visit those facilities and ask about the breeders.
  • Asking questions about the best breeder from different dog owners.
  • Meet the best dog breeders at local dog shows.
  • Find dog breeders online through the reviews of local dog clubs like the AKC Breeder Referral page and CKC Accountable Breeder page for Canada.

Adoption vs Buying: Making the Right Choice for Your Family

When considering adding a French Bulldog German Shepherd mix to your family, you have two primary options; adoption and buying. Some people may prefer to buy it from a dog breeder, and some people prefer to adopt it from a shelter or rescue center.

Adopting a dog from a rescue or shelter is a thoughtful choice. There are many Frenchie Shepherds waiting to be brought to loving homes, and adoption can be a rewarding experience.

Benefits of Adoption of Frenchie Shepherds

  • Giving a Home to a Rescue Dog.
  • Lower Cost Dogs.
  • Knowing the Dog’s Personality.
  • Rescue dogs are affectionate and grateful for the love and care they receive.

Benefits of Buying Frenchie Shepherds

  • Predictable Traits and Lineage.
  • Puppies’ Socialization.
  • Health Guarantees.

Considerations Before Making a Decision

  • Lifestyle and Energy Levels.
  • Allergies and Health Concerns.
  • Time and Commitment.

Is A French Bulldog German Shepherd mix Right For Me?

If you are a person who likes to keep a loyal, intelligent, playful and loving dog in your home, then a French Bulldog German Shepherd mix is the supper best choice for you.

Frenchie Shepherd breed is human loving and very loyal to the owner. This breed is very friendly with the kids and many other pets in the home. These dogs are very easy for training and socialization.

The Frenchie Shepherds are very active and human-friendly dogs and they are also used for home security and pleasure both purposes. Therefore, these are the best choice for you if you are searching for a loyal, intelligent and loving dog.

There are the following qualities of Frenchie Shepherds;

  • Loyal to the owners.
  • Very clever and intelligent dogs.
  • Human-friendly and loving dogs.
  • Playful and happy with the kids.
  • Very easy to train and socialize.
  • They are also used as security guards for the home security.

Frenchie Shepherd Lifespan Chart

There is a chart that reads the dog breeds and their lifespan.

Dog BreedLifespan
Frenchie Shepherd10 – 14 Years
French Bulldog10 – 12 Years
German Shepherd7 – 10 Years
The lifespan of a French Bulldog is 10 – 12 years and a German Shepherd is 7 – 10 years. As Frenchie Shepherd is a mixed breed of these two breeds and it has an average lifespan of 10 – 14 years.

As a mixed breed, the longevity of Frenchie Shepherd can be influenced by factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall healthcare.


The French Bulldog German Shepherd mix, with its charming personality, unique appearance, and lovable nature, is an excellent choice for individuals and families seeking a devoted canine companion.

Their blend of French Bulldog and German Shepherd traits makes them stand out in the canine world, providing endless joy and companionship to those fortunate enough to share their lives with these delightful Frenchie Shepherd dogs.


1. Are Frenchie Shepherds good with kids?

Yes, Frenchie Shepherds are generally good with children and can make excellent family pets.

2. Do they require a lot of exercise?

While they are active dogs, Frenchie Shepherds don’t require as much exercise as purebred German Shepherds require. Daily walks and playtime should be enough for their good health and well-being.

3. Are Frenchie Shepherds easy to train?

Yes, Frenchie Shepherds are intelligent and eager to please, making them relatively very easy to train with positive reinforcement methods like treats and rewards.

4. Do they shed a lot?

Frenchie Shepherds may shed moderately, but regular grooming can help manage their coat. Regular grooming and care reduce their shedding.

5. Can Frenchie Shepherds live in apartments?

Yes, with enough exercise and mental stimulation, Frenchie Shepherds can adapt to apartment living.