How to Stop a Dog from Urine Marking in the House | Dog Training

How to Stop a Dog from Urine Marking in the House? Urine or Pee Marking of Dogs

At Pet Dogs Well, we recognize the challenges that come with a dog’s urine marking its territory inside the house. It can be a frustrating and irritating issue to deal with. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with effective suggestions, strategies, and dog training to help you stop your dog from urine marking in the house.

How to Stop a Dog from Urine Marking in the House  Dog Training
Dog Urine Marking

By following these expert tips, you can regain cleanliness in your home and strengthen the bond with your furry friend.

Understanding Dog Behavior

To address the issue of urine marking, it’s important to understand why dogs engage in this behavior. Marking is a natural instinct for dogs, primarily driven by the need to establish and protect the territory where they live.

Male dogs are more prone to urine marking or peeing due to hormonal influences, but female dogs can also exhibit this behavior as dog’s nature.

Unlike regular urination, marking involves small amounts of urine deposited on vertical surfaces such as furniture legs, walls, or doorways. Dogs mark to communicate their presence, define their territory, or even attract potential mates. However, when it occurs inside the house, it can lead to unwanted urine odors and stains.

Effective Strategies to Stop a Dog from Urine Marking in the House

As we all know that urine marking or peeing causes bad impacts on a house like bad odors and dots of dogs urine, so we have to stop the dogs from marking in the house or territory where they live.

Below are the best strategies to prevent dog marking in the house;

1. Neutering or Spaying Dogs

One of the most effective ways to reduce marking/peeing behavior is by having your dog neutered or removing the testicles (for males) and spaying or removing the ovaries (for females). This helps regulate hormonal influences and can often result in a decrease in marking incidents.

Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate timing for this procedure of neutering or spaying in dogs.

2. Consistent Routine and Bathroom Breaks

Establishing a consistent routine is crucial in preventing marking behavior in dogs. Dogs thrive on structure and predictability. Designate specific times for feeding, exercise, and bathroom breaks.

Take your dog outside to the designated bathroom area frequently, especially after meals, playtime, or waking up from a nap. Consistency and repetition will help reinforce proper peeing or bathroom habits.

3. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for modifying a dog’s behavior. When your dog eliminates outside instead of marking or peeing inside, provide immediate praise, treats, or playtime to reinforce or encourage the desired behavior.

This positive association will help your dog understand that going outside leads to rewards, encouraging them to continue this outside peeing behavior in the future.

4. Supervision and Restriction

When you can not directly supervise your dog, it’s essential to restrict or stop their access to the areas where urine marking has occurred before. Use baby gates or close doors to prevent your dog from entering those spaces.

By stopping their access to specific areas, you can redirect their attention to appropriate areas and prevent reinforcement of the marking behavior.

5. Deep Cleaning and Odor Removal

To discourage your dog from marking the same spot repeatedly, it’s crucial to thoroughly and deeply clean any previously marked areas. Use enzymatic cleaners that are specifically designed to eliminate pet odors completely.

These enzymatic cleaners break down or kill the organic compounds present in urine that may attract your dog to urine mark again. Make sure to follow the product usage instructions for the best-required results.

6. Reduce Anxiety and Provide Mental Stimulation

Addressing any underlying anxiety or stress in your dog can also help minimize marking behavior. Provide plenty of physical exercises and mental stimulation through activities such as daily walks, interactive toys, and puzzle games.

Engaging your dog’s mind and body in positive ways like exercises and healthy activities can redirect their focus and alleviate anxiety. This helps a lot to stop your dog from marking in the house.

7. Obedience Training to Eliminate Dog Marking in House

Consider incorporating obedience training into your dog’s routine exercise to strengthen the bond with your dog and establish clear communication. A well-trained dog is more likely to follow commands and exhibit desirable behaviors.

How to Stop a Dog from Urine Marking in the House  Dog Training
Dog Obedience Training

A dog who is getting obedience training is more likely to follow and stop urine marking in the home.

Read more about how much exercise does your dog need? so that you may provide enough amount of exercise to your furry companion in order

Additional Suggestions to Eliminate Dog Marking in Home

We love our furry companions and accommodate them in our homes. New and untrained dogs may urinate and cause marking and odor in the home. We understand the importance of a clean and odor-free home, as well as the need to establish clear boundaries with your dog.

Here are a few additional strategies that can further help you in your quest to stop your dog from peeing or urine marking in the house:

1. Use Deterrents

There are several types of deterrents available in the market that can help discourage dogs from marking in specific areas. These deterrents include spray repellents with scents that dogs find unpleasant or motion-activated devices that emit sounds or sprays of water.

You can use these deterrents in areas where your dog has previously marked or areas you want to protect from dog marking. Over time, your dog will associate these areas with unpleasant experiences and be less likely to urine mark there.

2. Create a Designated Elimination or Bathroom Outlets

Establishing a specific spot in your yard as a designated elimination or outside bathroom area can be incredibly helpful in preventing indoor urine marking. Take your dog to this bathroom area consistently for bathroom breaks and reward it for eliminating or peeing there.

When you will consistently take your dog to a specific bathroom area then your dog will become habitual to that area and it will find an appropriate place to relieve there. In this way, your dog will stop urine marking and peeing inside the house.

3. Manage Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety and stress can be the main contributing factors to marking behavior. It’s essential to create a calm and secure environment for your dog. Provide the dog with a comfortable and quiet space where it can retreat when feeling overwhelmed.

Additionally, consider using anxiety-reducing tools such as calming pheromone diffusers or anxiety wraps to help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. This will help a lot to stop a dog marking in the house.

4. Seek Professional Help

If your dog’s urine marking behavior persists despite your best efforts, it may be beneficial to consult with a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist. These experts have the knowledge and experience to understand your dog’s specific situation and provide customized solutions for it.

They can work with you to develop a tailored training plan and address any underlying behavioral issues that may be contributing to the urine marking or peeing behavior.

5. Maintain Patience and Consistency

Remember that changing your dog’s behavior takes time, patience, and consistency. It’s crucial to remain calm and positive throughout the training process.

Consistently reinforce desired behaviors and redirect your dog’s attention when necessary. Avoid punishment or scolding your dog, as it can create fear, anxiety and confusion in your dog, which can disturb or stop the dog’s training progress.

6. Long-Term Management

Even after successfully stopping the urine marking behavior, it’s important to continue practicing good habits and reinforcement. Consistently follow the established routine, supervise your dog when needed, and clean any accidents promptly and thoroughly.

By maintaining these practices, you can prevent any relapses and ensure a harmonious living environment for both you and your dog.

Remember, each dog is unique, and the success of these strategies may vary depending on the dog’s breed and personal behaviors.

It’s essential to understand and work with your dog’s individual needs, dog’s temperament, and preferences. With dedication, consistency and love, you can effectively stop your dog from urine marking in the house and create a happy, well-behaved furry companion to live with you in the home.


By implementing these effective strategies, you can successfully prevent your dog from urine marking inside the house. Remember, consistency, positive reinforcement, and understanding your dog’s needs are keys to achieving the desired results. Be patient and persistent in dog training efforts, as it may take time to train a dog to stop your dog from marking in the house.

At Pet Dogs Well, we are committed to helping you create a harmonious living environment for both you and your furry friends in your home.


Why is my dog marking inside the house?

There are many reasons for dogs’ urine marking or peeing, like labeling their territory, frustration or anxiety, and hormonal influence, especially in male dogs. There are many other reasons that dogs’ urine marks like medical issues, lack of house training and insufficient exercise.

How do I stop my male dog from peeing on everything inside?

1.    You must observe the signs when your dog urinates or pees.
2.    When you notice these signs inside the home that the dog is ready to urinate then interrupt him with a loud sound or noise and take him outside.
3.    When your dog urinates outside then must praise and reward the dog to reinforce him to continue this nature in the future.
4.    Designate outside elimination or bathroom area where your dog may urinate outside in a specific area.
5.    Clean completely the urine marking with detergents and chemicals and the urine markings should be vanished.
6.    Consult with a veterinarian doctor for suggestions to stop your dog from marking in the house.

Does vinegar stop dogs from marking?

Yes, vinegar and water solution is the best and most effective product to stop dogs from urine marking. This solution eliminates the urine odor and further has an unpleasant smell that dogs don’t like and this stops dogs from marking in the house again.

What gets rid of the dog pee smell?

Mix 1 spoon of white vinegar and 1 spoon of water and stir well. Then put this solution on the urine stains or marks with a sponge. Let this solution sit for 5 to 10 minutes, and then wipe it up with a dry and lean towel. It is more beneficial if you mix 2 spoons of white vinegar with 1 spoonful of water.