Road Trip with a Dog | 8 Best Tips for Having Road Trips with Dogs

When it comes to having a road trip with a dog, there are a few things you need to keep in mind for a safe and enjoyable trip for both you and your pet. In this article, we will cover everything from preparing for the trip to keeping your dog comfortable and entertained during the whole drive.

For having a successful road trip with your dog, it’s very important to plan a good and comfortable trip for you and your furry friend. For example, select a good area to visit, dog-friendly accommodations, dog-necessary products like food and the same others, and general dog health conditions.

Road Trip with a Dog
Road Trip with a Dog

To ensure your trip is happy and enjoyable, we will provide you with an ultimate guide and the 8 best tips for road trips with your dogs. If you follow our tips for road trips with dogs, you will really enjoy your trip.

Tips for Road Trips with a Dog

When you plan to bring your dog with you on a road, then you have to consider many things to make a wonderful and happy trip for you and your dog too. We explain many important tips for having a secure and comfortable road trip with your dog. There are 8 main tips for a safe and happy road trip with the dogs.

1- Pre-Trip Planning

Before hitting the open road, there are a few things you need to do to make sure your pet dog is ready for the journey. You have to decide how much time you will spend on the trip so that your dog may enjoy the trip instead of being tired and bored. Also, you have to know the stamina of your dog for walking on the road.

You have multiple options for making a road trip with a dog such as walking on the road, by car, by bus, by air, and many more visiting ways, all depending upon the situation and destination. Therefore, you have to plan your road trip with your furry friend according to your choice.

2- Check Your Destination

First and most importantly, make sure your destination is a pet-friendly place to visit. Research well about pet-friendly hotels, restaurants, and activities in the area where you want to bring your dog for a trip.

In some places, there may be requirements for a pet deposit or maybe breed restrictions to enter, so be sure to call ahead and double-check before booking a hotel or restaurant to stay with your dog.

3- Visit the Vet

Before going on the road trip with your dog you have to visit your vet to make sure that your dog is up-to-date on all vaccinations and to get a health certificate if needed. Be sure never to bring a sick dog on a road trip.

Sometimes, dogs may get car sick and not feel well during car and bus journeys. If your dog gets car sick or anxious during travel, your vet can recommend good medication or natural remedies to help ease their discomfort.

4- Pack the Essentials for Road Trip with a Dog

When you have checked your dog with the vet doctor and he declared your dog is healthy and safe from diseases, now pack the essentials for your furry friend that are necessary for the road trip. As you are going out of the home and it is good to provide your dog with comfortable facilities same as at the home.

While going on the road trip with your dog there are many things that you have to carry with you like food and water bowls, a leash and collar, waste bags, and any necessary medication. Additionally, bring your dog’s favorite toys, games, favorite treats, and bedding to help the dog feel more comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.

5- Plan for Emergencies

We have explained many important tips for a safe and enjoyable road trip with a dog. One of the most important tips is to pre-plan for any kind of emergency that may occur to your dog while on the road trip.

You have to mentally prepare for any potential emergencies related to your dog. For example, your dog may suffer from car sickness or any sudden accident that may occur.

There are the following possible potential emergency conditions in your dog;

  • Bleeding or obvious injury.
  • Sudden convulsions.
  • High fever sometimes.
  • Symptoms of poisoning.
  • Excessive vomiting.
  • Allergic reactions.

When you see any of the above-mentioned emergencies, you have to solve the problem as soon as possible, otherwise, the life of your dog will be at high risk. For these emergencies, it is better to search for vets and pharmacies local to your destination and save their phone numbers in your mobile phone.

Additionally, it is really good to keep the emergency helpline phone number of your personal vet if he has 24-hour helpline service for the pets.

6- Keep your Dog Entertained on the Road

Finally, you are on the road for an amazing road trip with your furry friend. And the main purpose of this road trip is the enjoyment of your dog. So, it’s your primary duty to keep your dog safe, comfortable, and fully entertained during the drive.

Tips for Road Trips with Dogs

If you are going by car then it is good to open the car glasses and make easiness that your dog may see the full scenes outside. Your dog will see houses, shops, buildings, trees, grasses, many people, other different animals, parks, and much more. This is actually the main purpose of the road trip with a dog.

7- Secure Your Dog

The safety of your dog is very important when you are going on a road trip. For example, secure your dog in a crate or with a harness and seatbelt to keep the dog safe in case of a road accident.

Remember, never let your dog ride in the front seat, always make your dog sit in the back seat of the car. And never leave your dog alone in the car, so that your dog may not be afraid while sitting alone in the car or may not create any kind of mischief in the car.

8- Make Frequent Stops

As we know that humans become tired when they travel a long distance by car, and dogs also become tired when traveling long distances. In addition to getting tired, dogs get bored when they drive continuously for a long time.

Therefore, it is good to make frequent stops every few hours to let your dog take a rest, stretch its legs, use the bathroom, and get some fresh air. Also, bring along plenty of water and snacks to keep your dog hydrated and full.


A road trip with a dog can be a great fun and rewarding experience, but it does require some extra planning and preparation. For a safe and comfortable road trip with your furry friend, we have explained 8 great tips for road trips with dogs. By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for both you and your pet.

NOTE; Sometimes dogs may bite the children, family members, and other animals in the home because of the lack of proper dog training and socialization. You must read our tips and training to prevent dog bites in humans and other animals.


How long can a dog go on a road trip?

You have to consider the normal routine of your dog for meal breaks, rest, and potty breaks. It is not very easy to understand these all things. On average, you have to give your dog a break for 15 to 30 minutes after every 2 to 4 hours. This is really good for your road trip with a dog.

How to do long road trips with a dog?

There are the following tips for long road trips with your dog;
1)   For long trips, provide them with their own dedicated comfortable space in the car.
2)   You must have up-to-date dog tags for your dog on the trip.
3)   You have to bring a copy of your dog’s vaccination record with you.
4)   Bring healthy treats for your dogs like peanut butter, blue buffalo dog treats, and many others.
5)   Manage full access to water for your dog in the car.
6)   Always keep in mind their bathroom needs on long drive trips.

What is the best way to travel with a dog in a car?

The best and safe way for a dog to travel in a car is in a carrier that is strapped to the car seat with a seatbelt or any other anchors in the car. Remember, the carrier should be enough large that your dog may stand up, sit easily, turn around, and lie down during the travel. The other way for your dog safely travel is pet seatbelts. But these pet seatbelts are not much safer when accidentally car crashes.