5 Tips to Prevent Dog Bites|Dog Bite Prevention

All dogs have teeth and therefore all can bite people, owners, and children in different circumstances. As a dog owner, you must be aware of the warning and scary signals from the dogs sometimes. Here we share helpful guidelines and the best 5 tips to prevent dog bites when occur.

Tips to Prevent Dog Bites
Tips to Prevent Dog Bites

There are many dog bite cases worldwide, but in the United States, 4.5 to 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs every year. Most dog bites occur in children due to a lack of dog socialization knowledge. So if you keep a dog, you must learn dog bite prevention tips and knowledge.

Why do Dogs Bite?

There are many reasons that dogs may bite such as fear, self-defense, pain, lack of proper socialization and training, territoriality, and possession etc. Some other possible reasons for dog bites are aggressive behavior in dogs like injury, illness, and abuse.

There are the following reasons that a dog may bite;

1. Dog Biting Due to Fear

Fear is one of the main reasons that can provoke a dog to bite. When a dog may be scared and feel insecure, then it may bite. Signs of a dog that bites when it is fearful, are a rigid and tense body, flattened ears, and avoiding eye contact.

2. Dog Biting for Self Defence

Self-defence is also another major reason for dog biting when a dog feels threatened by a person or other animals. When a dog feels threats and something risky in his territory, the dog may bite in reaction.

3. Dog Biting When in Pain

Dogs may bite when they are suffering from pain. During the pain, dogs are more sensitive to touch, anything which causes discomfort and being handled. This is a natural way that dogs defend themselves from further injury and discomfort.

4. Lack of Socialization

Lack of proper socialization is another common reason that dogs may bite. Dogs are not naturally socialized. They are fearful and anxious too. So, dogs without proper socialization and training may bite new people, children, and other animals as a way of their defense.

5. Dog Biting Because of Territory

Dogs can also bite to protect their territory. Dog’s territory includes their home, yard, and even their owner too. When a stranger person and other animals enter their territory, then dogs may bite to protect their territory. This is a natural love of dogs for their habitat and they defend it.

6. Dog Biting Due to Possession

Possession causes a lot of dog bites. For example when people or other animals approach their food or milk bowl then dogs may bite to defend their food which is their own possession.

We have many years of dog-treating and dog-keeping experience, so you can follow our tips to prevent dog bites in humans and other animals.

As we know that dogs can not speak. Therefore, as dog owners, it is your responsibility to understand the reason that a dog is biting. Then you must provide your dog with his necessities and also proper training and socialization.

How to Stop Dog Bites?

As a dog owner, you have to make sure that your dog is not harmful to family people, children, strangers, and other animals. We have explained many important tips to prevent dog bites.

Follow these general guidelines to stop your dog from biting;

  1. Remember, never tease or disturb a dog.
  2. You have to socialize your dog and provide proper training.
  3. Teach your children how to go near and interact with a dog in a safe way.
  4. Never tease a dog that is eating food, sleeping, or caring for puppies.
  5. Never leave young children and infants alone in the home with a dog.
  6. Neuter or spay your dog, as it is very helpful in reducing the dog’s aggressive behavior.
  7. Avoid approaching a strange dog, especially when the dog is tightened or confined.
  8. Always stay away and be careful of a dog when it is injured or sick.
  9. Must focus on the dog’s body language, which indicates aggression, fear, and friendliness signals.
  10. Rush for medical treatment when a dog bite happens to someone accidentally.

5 Tips to Prevent Dog Bites

Dog bites can cause severe staph infections and strep infections caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria. These dog bite infections may be fatal for the victims. There are 5 tips to prevent dog bites explained below;

1. Must Choose the Right Dog for Your Family

Most dog bites occur due to family pet dogs, especially if there are young children in the home. Dogs also may bite to stranger people like guests and other incoming people in the home.

Therefore, you must choose a family-friendly dog breed that may be a good source of pet enjoyment for the family but without the biting risks.

Also, remember that personal dog behaviors may differ even among the same breeds. Therefore, make deep research when choosing your family pet dog and discuss it with the puppy’s parents before buying a dog.

2. Learn to Read Dog’s Body Language

As a dog owner, it is very important to read and understand your dog’s body language. You can observe many body signals and then determine the risks caused by them.

Read the below dog body signals that are helpful in dog bite prevention.

  1. Relaxed Dog: A dog is relaxed when it has relaxed overall body postures, loose and normal wagging tail, relaxed ears, and calm and relaxed facial expressions. Additionally, dogs may also be gasping or panting.
  2. Alert Dog: A dog is alert when it has its ears perked up and forward, its tail held at a natural level, and its eyes are very focused on the surroundings.
  3. Playful Dog: A dog is playful when it is wagging its tail normally, its ears are relaxed, and its facial expressions are playful. The dog may also be jumping and bowing in a playing mood.
  4. Submissive Dog: A dog is a submissive dog when it has lowered body postures, maybe avoiding eye contact, and with its tail tucked between the legs. The submissive dog sometimes licks its lips and rolls over onto its back to show submission to the owner.
  5. Fearful Dog: A dog is fearful when it has flattened ears, tense body postures, and with tucked tail between its legs. The dog may also be avoiding eye contact and sometimes showing submissive behaviors such as rolling over its back.
  6. Aggressive Dog: A dog is an aggressive dog when it has tense body postures, a stiff and firm tail, and raised hackles. The dog may also be showing its teeth and growling or barking loudly.

These are different dogs’ body language and signals that help you to determine the dog’s mood. As a dog owner, learn maximum about dog behavior, train your dog well, and follow our 5 tips to prevent dog bites in humans.

3. Avoid Highly Excitable Games with Dogs

There are many games that dogs like playing and enjoy while playing. As a dog owner, it is good to arrange fun games and enjoyment sources for your dogs. Here are some classical games for dogs;

  • Fetch Game for Dogs.
  • Tug of War Game for Dogs.
  • Chase the Prey Game for Dogs.
  • Hide the Treat or Hide & Seek Game for Dogs.
  • Agility Training Game for Dogs.
Dog Bite Prevention
Dog Bite Prevention

Dog games are useful for entertainment and dog training purposes, but sometimes dogs get excited during highly excitable games like tug of war and wrestling. Dogs may cross their playing limits and may bite their owner or children when playing a lot of these games.

Dog games like fetch, agility and dog training games are really the best and most useful for their entertainment, mental satisfaction, and health.

4. Always Supervise Your Children’s Interactions with Dogs

Most dog bites occur when dog owners don’t care and leave their children and dogs unattended. Remember, always supervise your children’s interactions with dogs to ensure the safety of your children and dog. Especially, young children are at high risk of dog bites while left unattended.

Children are not familiar with dogs’ body language and signals, and maybe accidentally hurt or scare the dog. Therefore, as a dog owner, it is your duty to supervise your children’s interactions with dogs. Don’t let the children tease or disturb the dog or behave harshly.

5. Teach Your Children and Family to Behave Well with Dogs

Dog bites cause very severe bacterial infections such as staph infections and strep infections in the victims, and these are very fatal infections. Most dog bites occur due to a lack of well-behaving manners and proper training of children and family members to interact with dogs.

Teach your children and family members these rules;

  • Never tease or disturb a dog when the dog is eating food.
  • Don’t take a treat such as meat food or any food away from the dog.
  • Never disturb a dog when the dog is sleeping.
  • Never pull the dog’s ears and tail when going near to dog.
  • Always get the dog owner’s permission before approaching a strange dog.
  • When you approach a dog, approach from the side, never from the front.
  • Avoid reaching the dog fence to play or pet the dog.  

Additionally, ensure regular checkups of your dog with a veterinarian for dog body pain, thyroid problems, cognitive dysfunction, and similar other problems that can cause dog behavior changes.

When you implement above mentioned 5 tips to prevent dog bites then your children and family members are safe from dog bite risks. In this way, you also can make a safe and comfortable environment for your dog.

NOTE; Having a road trip with your dog is very happy and comfortable for you and your dog. When you bring your dog on the trip then it is very exciting and joyful for your dog and the dog becomes more social and well-trained.

But you have to consider many things while going on a road trip with your dog such as dog health, dog safety, dog-friendly accommodations, and dog food etc. You can read our tips and guidelines for a road trip with a dog for a safe and comfortable road trip.

Learn more about how much exercise does your dog need? Dog Exercise